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Aptos NFTs I Own

What Aptos NFTs do I own for 2023 (and why you should too)

The Aptos blockchain has seen some initial stumbling weeks for no fault of its and still has held itself strong to prepare for the better times when there will be a massive adoption of the APT token and the Aptos network itself in the NFT ecosystem.

I have been curating and listing out the best Aptos NFT projects that you should take a look at, do your research, and either mint or buy one from secondary to get into the Aptos NFT culture and see where it heads when the market conditions get better. Here, let me list out the best Aptos NFTs that I own, and am looking forward to how these go, with the trust I have in each of them. And of course, I don’t go based on numbers, and I am in touch with the founders of mostly every project that I am listing, so as to make myself comfortable talking about them with confidence.

You are in for a long read, especially if you are new and need to know what is happening in the Aptos chain. Tap on the names below to jump directly to that segment.

Aptos NFTs that I own, a bag full of them


AptomingosThe only regret I have here is that I hold only one of these, and I joined in very late. Of course, this is one of those that have held a solid floor and for its own reasons. Aptomingos could have raised funds and charged any amount they wanted, given the date of their launch and the prime Aptos hype, but they chose against it and went with an experimental free mint, so there’s no liability, to begin with.

According to Fischer, it was an intention to keep any risk away from the potential long-term investors who were coming into Aptos for its capabilities and community. When asked if not charging anything for mint would stop him from executing any plans that he had in the long-term, “the number one priority was always just to solidify a strong community built on transparency and trust, and then build from that foundation. I’ve always thought as long as I work hard and have good intentions, the money will sort of come eventually.”

Honestly, this gave me a different vibe when I entered the community. Not very active, but most people knew why they were there. A couple of days in, I told Fischer that I felt he gave vibes of Frank from DeGods in the Solana community, who is ready to take up any challenge and just speaks out without thinking much, knowing he isn’t manipulative.

The entry point might be high for new entrants into the Aptos ecosystem, but when you get a chance, you should be happy putting the 40-odd APT into this.

Aptos Monkeys

AptosMonkeysThe first Aptos project I minted was AptosMonkeys. 7.77 APT mint price, supply of 7777, and they sold out pretty quickly and made good numbers. Not good, great numbers actually, with one of the days being the top traded ones across all chains. But hey, you hold an NFT for not its trading value but for the value it offers to its holders, right?

AptosMonkeys has been working on different tools and utilities. One of the first tools that is now widely used by the Aptos ecosystem is the Rafflor where users can put in their NFT for the raffle and anyone can participate, with holders getting a discount too for every ticket purchase. There’s a lot more planned too, and the best part is that the team is proactive in listening to the community and they do believe in bringing the entire ecosystem together for the vision ahead.

One example of that is the MonkeArtist competition they just started, with 1/1 artists being recognized, rewarded, and their art being sold among the Aptos NFT enthusiasts.


AptoRobosWell, this is my own project and I had launched this to build a community that shares alpha, relies on each other for helping in the vast web3 space. It was a free mint, raising no funds because the core fundamentals are around education and community. The supply is 1111, and we might be looking at a bigger mint going forward but for now, it’s all about holding the community tight, bringing the best whitelist spots from projects all around, and we have successfully done that, bringing spots for the most hyped mints from the other chains too.

While this was also a learning process for us, despite being a free mint, we launched AptosMadeEasy, and also made a Discord bot “Web3 News by AptoRobos” that caters Web3 and Crypto news for different servers and that bot is also available free-of-cost. Robos staking is also live, and it yeilds XENON that will help in the future utilities/mints from AptoRobos.

Being present as a founder for the community, showing up each day to talk to the community, update them about the happenings from all around, and growing with them, is what made us happier that we could do what we promised, and did more than what was actually promised.


SpooksFor me, Spooks is a project that will stay here for a long time and deserves more respect than they get for the price and mint movement. The team had decided to offer each mint at 9 APT, which seemed high for many but fundraising is a way for the teams to actually develop things that they have in the roadmap. I know I might sound biased here, but that is the fact.

Spooks is not just an NFT project that made a list of the best projects, people, and companies on Aptos. That was just a start, and that was a pre-mint tool that they already made to show what they are capable of. They plan to become the leader in the Aptos space in terms of offering on-chain analytics, data points, and charts for NFTs, tokens, DeFi, and everything that will help not just users but also projects to analyze and come up with the best based on the data available.

Of course, for someone who has no understanding of these things, they’ll frown upon themselves for minting a Spook because they lost out in the pump-dump-take-profit-exit game. But, for those who believe in Aptos and in the larger picture, at least a couple of Spooks should be in your wallet as some of these tools will be available only to the holders.

Bruh Bears

Bruh BearsBruh Bears is an interesting story since the day it went into existence before the official launch. Built on hype, it was maintained until they minted out and went into secondary, and then, at one moment, people started asking – what do you have in plans? where’s the roadmap? do you really have something to show us or was this just hype we invested in?

The funniest part is, the Bruh Bears community has so many holders that think like the team itself. They don’t care why they invested and have the trust that there is something being worked on in the background. In fact, they have come up with a unique staking system named Taverns where you stake your Bruh Bears and they keep leveling up. Where this is headed, is a mystery. There are factions, i.e. subDAOs that are running already, which again revolves around the same community aspect where people are fairly involved and enjoying the vibe.

Yeah, and a shoutout to one of the team members, i.e. Zero. The man rarely seems offline, and he sometimes just randomly starts a VC just to show what he’s working on, and that gives an assurance that no, Bruh Bears isn’t that hype and dump that it is tagged as, by many on social media. I have a few Bruh Bears in my wallet, and I keep checking for some good FUD to add one or two whenever the price dumps.


MAVRIKSo, MAVRIK came in as a project that was betting on the Aptos ecosystem for what it offers, and they have their roadmap pretty solidly placed for the future. But the start was rough, from the initial issues with the mint and then not being able to mint out on the first day, but this is the first project that is determined to keep the mint open until they sell out.

A total of 5000 NFTs with 5 APT per mint, and personally, I feel they took a good decision to leave the mint open, because, 1. Aptos still is growing and will have new investors on a daily basis, slowly and steadily going up, 2. They need funds, like any project. Abruptly stopping the mint and saying that’s enough isn’t going to work if you are betting on making a lot of things that you promised.

One of the other reasons to be bullish on MAVRIK, for me, is that they have what it takes to bring people in from the other ecosystems, especially Solana. No, we aren’t fighting wars between networks here, but then having people into a new space is possible if you invite them from the well-established ones. I’ve got a small bunch of MAVRIKs in my bag, and they won’t be visible in my wallet as I staked them all. That’s right – The team had the NFT staking live on the first day while the mint was happening, and this staking isn’t just for the sake of it. The tokens that are being given there will be a part of the gamification they are setting up.

Pontem Space Pirates

Pontem Space PiratesThis was the first-ever Mint-to-Earn NFT, and it came from Pontem Network, that’s a brand backed by Mechanism Capital, Kenetic Capital, Delphi Ventures, and the notable Animoca Brands. Many who don’t dig deeper into things would take Pontem as just another Aptos wallet, but that’s a small part of what Pontem Network is working on.

They are behind Liquidswap, the first DEX and the biggest AMM on Aptos currently, and the wallet works quite well too. Pontem has already launched the Android and iOS wallet apps too. Now, whether you should get a Space Pirate NFT for yourself is not something I’d suggest because it does have a high entry point right now, sitting around Aptomingos in terms of the floor price, but I am holding one, not for a flip but for being involved in what Pontem has to offer, and while they gave 1000 NFTs as a free mint, the collection did over 38000 APT in volumes on Topaz. I’m just excited to see what Pontem Network would do with these, and will it have some great utility in the times ahead.

This list doesn’t end here. There are a lot more NFTs I hold, but to be honest, I am not sure what’s their plan going forward, and I just had to take an early entry, so I did, but I am not listing them here until I have something concrete to share about their goals, their plans, and how holders would be benefited. So, keep checking in later and bookmark this page!

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