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Honor 6X Camera vs Redmi Note 4 Camera

Honor 6X vs. Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

It was a notion in the recent past that only the flagship smartphones have the best cameras. Some brands have tried to change it by offering great shooters in their mid-range smartphones, and a couple of them that we can mention with ease are Honor and Xiaomi. The latest smartphone from both the brands have got great specifications and good cameras to complement it. But, what comes in these smartphones is a completely different set of cameras, which we’re going to talk about.

Camera specifications of Honor 6X and Redmi Note 4

  • Honor 6X: 12-megapixel + 2-megapixel dual-lens rear camera, 8-megapixel front camera
  • Redmi Note 4: 13-megapixel rear camera, 5-megapixel front camera

Honor 6X vs. Redmi Note 4: Rear camera comparison

Rear camera options in the app – If we talk about what is offered, the Honor 6X clearly wins it with loads of options, modes, and filters to choose from. The Redmi Note 4 has a simpler app interface but the lack of some modes would make it just a standard smartphone camera that you see on every other phone.

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 camera app

Where does the Honor 6X take it away? The wide-aperture mode. That’s what is special about the camera combination of the Honor 6X. The two cameras work together where the first one captures the picture while the second one records the depth-of-field, letting the user set the focus and level of aperture later on.

Who wins it with a better color reproduction? No doubt, the Honor 6X beats the competitor by miles in most of the pictures. But let us be fair here. Not everyone would like the same colors on their screen after the capture, and sometimes, it is about the personal choice of level of color that you would like to see. The Honor 6X, otherwise, tries to produce almost the same colors that you are seeing with your eye.

[In all the samples below, the left one is captured with the Honor 6X and the right one with the Redmi Note 4]

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

Honor 6X vs Redmi Note 4 Camera Comparison

On zooming in – We took a few shots of objects far away and zoomed in to see which camera was able to take sharper images. There are a few factors that come into play here, but let’s jump into the results. While it is a close competition here, the Redmi Note 4 managed to take a little sharper picture, evident when zooming in. No, we aren’t talking about the standard and macro shots but of something far away, zoomed in to see how well both perform.

Honor 6X vs. Redmi Note 4: Front camera comparison

  • In the camera app, the selfie options on the Honor 6X are much higher where the user can use one of the available filters, or have one of the makeup filters. But on the other side, while capturing a selfie on the Redmi Note 4, you can tap to set the exposure on a particular area and you can either increase or decrease it.
  • While there is an 8-megapixel camera on the front of Honor 6X, the wide-angle lens on the 5-megapixel camera of Redmi Note 4 helps in having a wider area of capture if taking a group selfie.
  • The selfies captured with both the phones are quite comparable and one isn’t really beating the other when we talk about the selfies taken in bright conditions.
  • In low light, there is a little difference where the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 has a better result and selfies seem sharper and less noisier when taken without sufficient light.

So, who’s the ultimate winner with the camera?

Based on our tests, it is no doubt that the Honor 6X is a much better shooter than the Redmi Note 4 when we consider the rear camera capabilities. It has clear pictures with better colors, and the wide-aperture captures are a cherry on the top of the cake. Let’s dig into it further to learn how the Honor 6X is a better choice, even though it is an easy one.

Color reproduction – The dual camera works together in a better color reproduction. One of them captures all the required details to reproduce, while the other works in recording the color accuracy and replicate the same through the software algorithm in the end capture. The results clearly show how better the photos are when taken from the Honor 6X in comparison to the Redmi Note 4.

Exposure control – Well, with a smartphone camera you wouldn’t really want to manually control it all the time, except for a few special ones where you want to change certain aspects. When relying on the automated settings, you wouldn’t want the camera to flutter with the exposure when the background light changes. The Honor 6X has a much better control on the exposure and doesn’t unnecessarily brighten or darken the subject.

Obviously, the bokeh – Not what the Redmi Note 4 can offer at all because the Honor 6X has the dual-lens setup that can record the depth of field and then let the user set the focus even after the capture is done.

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