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iOS 10 Delete System Apps

How to Delete System Apps on iOS 10 on iPhone and iPad

Getting rid of unwanted bloatware or apps on smartphones has been one thing every smartphone user wants to do. Usually, it happens mostly on Android because of many other unwanted apps comes pre-installed. It is not the same case on iOS, you just get the basic system apps such as calendar, calculator, compass, etc. As Apple claims, all the system apps that come pre-installed just occupy about 150MB of the whole storage. However, if you still don’t want to see the icons or something, you can follow below.

You get 23 of the iOS system apps pre-installed with the iOS 10. Also beware that, removing a system app also removes any associated widgets, Apple Watch apps, and removes the app from CarPlay also.Some of the apps on the list here work as a main function and deleting them would lead to unusual behavior of the UI.

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For example, if you delete the Mail or Calendar it could lead to some lost functionalities and issues. What happens is, if you ask Siri to open your emails, it would say that Mail app is missing even if you have any third party applications such as Gmail or anything. However, if there are some parts which would still work such as, if you delete the Calendar, you can still give orders to Siri if you have any calendar and reminder apps like Fantastical 2.

iOS 10 Delete Apps

To start with how to delete, all you need to do is a long press on the app, let it start jiggling and then click the ‘X’. It is just as the same how you do it for the other apps. Now, you won’t be able to find that app on the home screen or give orders to Siri anything related to the apps that you have deleted.

To get back the uninstalled apps, you have to open the App Store and search for them just like you do for any other apps and then tap on the download button. That’s it, you now reinstalled the system app that you have uninstalled before.

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